We are operating validator nodes for the following projects. Earn staking rewards by delegating tokens to our validators!
We are operating validator nodes for these projects to secure their networks, but currently you can not delegate with us. However, this might change in the future, so stay tuned!
In Proof-of-Stake networks, validators are the one who will create, vote and propose blocks that will be added to the blockchain. Validators require speciality hardware with redundancy and security features set in place. They also require a team working 24/7 in order to make sure everything is going as expected. That's a tough job and we handle that part for you. We offer professional non-custodial validator services so you can stake, relax and earn rewards!
Our operational team is made of Cybersecurity professionals and Sys Admins which posses industry-acknowledged certifications to validate our vast experience. All delegations are done in a non-custodiary manner, meaning we never have control over the user's funds and you can withdraw your funds whenever you like without needing our permission!